15 Signs & Symptoms of Labour

Labor is unpredictable, but your body will give you some signs to help you easily determine that it’s almost time to meet your baby. Here are some signs and symptoms that indicate your body is preparing for childbirth.
Labor is unpredictable, and no one can know when it will start because every birth is different. Fortunately, your body will give you some signs to help you easily determine that it’s almost time to meet your baby. Here are some of the most common labor pain symptoms that indicate your body is preparing for delivery:
- Baby drops
- Dilation of the cervix
- Increased cramping and lower back pain
- Loosening of the joints
- Diarrhea
- Weight gain stopped
- Fatigue and nesting instinct
- Loss of mucus plug
- Stronger, more frequent contractions
- Water breaking
- Severe involuntary tremors
- An increased urge to urinate
- A change in energy levels
- Feeling the urge to have a bowel movement
- Increased pelvic pressure
You should always call your doctor or go to the hospital if you experience any of these pregnancy symptoms:
- You suspect that you are in labor
- Your blood pressure is higher than normal
- You experience blurred or double vision
- You notice decreased or low fetal activity
- Your water broke
- You experience heavy vaginal bleeding or bright red discharge
- You experience severe headaches, dizziness, or sudden swelling
- Your contractions are about three minutes apart and last about a minute for an hour
- You have unbearable pain or a high fever
Do not worry! Your health care provider will guide you when you need to go to the hospital.
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