The Abortion Pill is Dangerous for Women, Period

Trust me, I’m as guilty as anyone but sometimes you don’t need to write a whole volume about how dangerous (to women) the abortion pill (mifepristone) is, just make a few important points.
Charlie Butts, writes for New American Family sum it up in nine words. The headline read “Pregnancy is not a disease, and mifepristone is not a cure.”‘
His story is built around great work of Dr. Randall K. O’BannonNRL Director of Education and Research.
If anyone deserves the title of abortion pill expert, it’s Dr. O’Bannon.
Butts wrote that Dr. O’Bannon “said the abortion cartel is at it again.”
In his own words, Dr. O’Bannon,
“Now they’ve come out and said … it’s safer than penicillin, safer than Viagra,” he reports. “The idea is like, if you find out that this drug is safer than those things, that you should accept the fact that it’s a very safe drug.”
CNN wrote,
“In comparison, the risk of death by penicillin – a common antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia – is four times greater than mifepristone, according to a study on allergic reactions which is life-threatening.”
Penicillin is a favorite of pro-abortionists. But as explained by Dr. O’Bannon
As many as 10% say they are allergic to penicillin, but only about 1% to 5% of those taking the drugs report mild to moderate reactions such as temporary hives or asthma-like responses to the medicine. More serious reactions to the drugs, such as anaphylaxis, which can include swelling, low blood pressure, stomach pain, and difficulty breathing are rarer, affecting only about .0005% of those who take penicillin.
In other words,
“The percentage of people who suffer from things like anaphylactic shock, which is the more dangerous type of situation where you can have inflammation or some kind of asthma, having difficulty breathing – that’s definitely not 10% but about 0.0005%.”
The butts end here from Dr. O’Bannon. “He concluded that drugs like penicillin and Tylenol save lives, ease pain, and generally make life better.” On the contrary, “Mifepristone disrupts a healthy pregnancy, takes lives, causes incredible pain and profuse bleeding, and endangers the life and health of a mother.” Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. He writes frequently for Today’s News and Views — an online opinion column on life issues.