The Best Cyber Monday Deals in 2023

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While we’re not sure where the tradition of lining up outside big box stores and malls began, not long after a big holiday meal with the family, rushing through the crowded aisles in hopes of getting the best deal, we know we already Black Friday sales are around since the 1950s. Cyber Monday, however, didn’t become a thing until 2005. This tradition came about after it became clear that more people were willing to find deals in their PJs from the comfort of their couch than they were to wake up before sunrise on a holiday weekend only to stand in line in frigid temperatures (and, in honestly, can you blame them?).
Today, Cyber Monday is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year. In fact, thanks to all the incredible sales and promotions, Americans spent $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday in 2021 and $11.2 billion in 2022. This year, you can expect even more deals on baby gear, maternity wear, feeding essentials, toys, clothing, and more. To help you save some money this holiday season, we’ve rounded up some of the best Cyber Monday sales to share with you—and we’ll keep adding to this list as more promotions are released.