
‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’ – Alphabet Book Details Life in the Womb

F is for Fingerprints.

For author Valerie Silva, this entry is a particularly significant one in her children’s book, ABC – Life In The Womb.

Beneath the depiction of a child’s finger and a microscope, the text reads: By nine weeks, babies will have fingerprints and they will be the only ones like that in the world.

“I love to instill in children how each of them is so special and created in the image of God,” Silva said.

Silva and illustrator Hillary Craig published their book in 2021. The women met seven years earlier at a volunteer training for the Hollister (Ca.) Pregnancy Center. Their hope for the alphabet book is to “see children and adults alike grow up and share their knowledge about the precious life of a baby in the womb.” They want the next generation to value life and stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Silva and her family moved from California to Idaho, where she works as the Events and Office Manager at Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center in the town of Nampa. ABC – Life In The Womb is his first book. He recalled how “God planted the seed” for the concept during prayer.

ABC – Life in the Womb, in addition to entries for the 26 letters of the alphabet, it also includes integrated scientific facts, diagrams, and Bible verses such as Jeremiah 1:5 (“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb…” ) and Psalm 139:13 -17 (“For you created my innermost being…”).

Silva, a mother of three boys, credits Care Net President and CEO Roland Warren for the feedback that helped her emphasize the importance of marriage and fatherhood. The M is for Mother The entry includes a description of a mother AND a father, along with the text: For nine months, mother and baby have a special bond.

Silva sought to “plant the truths of God and his design for our lives and for marriage.” She also wanted to push popular cultural narratives about gender. The letter G is for Gender: As early as 12 weeks, the gender of the baby can be seen on the ultrasound as either a boy or a girl.

Although ABC – Life in the Womb is written for ages 4-8, Silva says she has received positive feedback from adults who have learned from the book and from fellow homeschool parents who use it for different age groups . The book is also a valuable resource for pregnancy centers, churches, and Sunday school programs. Silva said the Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center is giving away her book in gift bags for mothers who choose life.

J is for Journey: The journey a baby experiences in the womb is one of a kind. That also sums up Silva’s journey and her mission—to teach children how babies grow and develop in their mother’s womb. To teach them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

“We train the kids,” he said. “We teach them at a young age that life begins at conception and that life has value.”

ABC – Life in the Womb is available for purchase at www.littlelifestages.com (40% of all proceeds go back to pro-life pregnancy centers and organizations).

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