Former Abortion Doctor Testifies at PRC’s 40-Days for Life Campaign

Dr. Haywood Robinson, a former abortion doctor who is now a lifelong advocate, recently brought awareness to the impactful work being done at a pregnancy resource center associated with Care Net.
Seneca Choices for Life, in Columbus, Georgia, offers hope, help, and healing to women before, during, and after pregnancy. Located next to an abortion facility, Seneca recently hosted Dr. Robinson during its 40-Days for Life campaign.
Dr. Robinson is the Director of Medical Affairs and Education at 40-Days for Life, an international organization that aims to “end abortion through prayer and fasting, community engagement, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of of abortion businesses.”
During the an interview with WRBL in Columbus, Robinson shared testimony of how he went from an abortion doctor to a pro-life doctor.
“I became a believer. The Lord Jesus Christ saved me. I was born again in 1986…[Jesus] put me in the pro-life movement as a pro-life warrior. And the first ministry I got involved with was actually a pregnancy resource center like Seneca.
Amber Snipes, Seneca’s Executive Director, told WRBL that “our prayer is that women find real help.”
“Many of the women we serve are in very difficult situations and abortion will not change the situation. What we are trying to do in our prayer campaign is to find solutions to the situations that bring women to the abortion facility, because most of the situations are financial, educational, work, or relationship.”
During the 40 Days for Life campaign, a team of staff and volunteers signed up to pray, fast, and witness onsite at Seneca.
“The people of Columbus have made extraordinary sacrifices to expose the abortion industry and to protect pre-born children and their mothers from abortion,” Robinson said in a Seneca Facebook post. “I am happy to be with these people in prayer. Their efforts illustrate why we are seeing historic changes – more mothers are choosing life, more abortion workers are experiencing conversions and leaving the abortion industry, and more abortion centers are closing. of their gates for good.”
Haywood and his late wife Noreen Johnson, MD met as residents at King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, where they learned to perform abortions. He and Noreen became pro-life advocates and practiced medicine until retiring in 2019. Noreen died in 2021.
In an interview along with author and television producer Simisola Okai, Robinson talks about how the medical community often justifies abortion.
“There is no reasonable reason to kill a pre-born innocent child,” he said. “It’s a basic technique where the enemy gets into your mind and convinces you that what you’re doing is something legal and for the purpose of helping a patient. But in my view—being able to perform an abortion—is a process happened causing [someone] dehumanize the child to make him a non-entity.”
“[They are] this procedure is done for money, not for the benefit of this patient, because pregnancy is not a disease. If you took the money variable out of the whole abortion Holocaust, we wouldn’t be sitting here talking about it. It’s just money.”
In the interview, Robinson said that although she stopped performing abortions before she became a Christian, she felt the horror of abortion from the Lord’s perspective—how a doctor “takes an innocent baby that He weaves and makes in the womb, and kill it.”
“Now, I know from a simple scientific point of view that the sperm unites with the egg, you have a cell, and after 40 weeks, you have a human being. Is this an absolute miracle or what?”
But the greater miracle, he says, is one day when I “go from darkness to light and can be changed into the image of Christ and be forgiven of all my sins, not just the sin of abortion…”
Now, through his work with 40-Days for Life, he is engaged in what he calls, “the greatest battle in human history.”
“This is a global Holocaust. A war against babies.”