Pope Francis Wants Surrogacy Banned, Here’s What Is Wrong With That

Pope Francis calls surrogacy “deplorable” and says it should be banned on a global level. In her eyes the practice commercializes pregnancy and exploits surrogates. However, there are many surrogacy advocates pushing back against the comments made by the pope. They argue the value of surrogacy in the lives of individuals and couples who need help to start or grow their families.
A recent speech made by the pope included commentary calling on the international community to make surrogacy illegal. That is already the case in some countries, which includes Italy. Advocates, however, feel the pope’s comments are short-sighted and out of date. Having a strong degree of personal autonomy is vital, and this includes having control over decisions surrounding reproductive options and issues.
Surrogacy and IVF have both been opposed by the Catholic Church for a long time, as both practices involve the disposal of unused embryos. However, many people may need surrogacy because it is the only option available to them for creating or growing a family. Vetting is part of surrogacy practices and there is also a contract in place. This reduces risks to the surrogate and everyone else involved in the experience.
If there is a global ban placed on surrogacy it could have a huge negative impact on the millions of people around the world who want to become parents and are exploring their options. Additionally, there will likely be more fraudulent businesses “offering” services for individuals and couples, which can put everyone at risk of abuse and harm.
The majority of surrogacy experiences have been positive for everyone, according to surrogacy advocates. How that can be considered exploitative is something they don’t understand or even see as realistic. As long as the surrogate and the people who contract with them get along, the question is how or why that’s a problem. Despite many success stories from parents and successors, however, the pope continues to believe that the practice harms and exploits women and children.
There are many ways to create a family or grow your family. If surrogacy is the best option for you, the Surrogacy Law Center can help protect your legal rights throughout the process. Contact us today to learn more!