
South Dakota measure looks to restore Roe, but some say it isn’t enough

A ballot measure in South Dakota is seeking reinstatement Roe v. Wade in the state is gaining traction — but it’s also getting pushback from some of the biggest pro-abortion organizations, which say it doesn’t go far enough in its attempts to expand abortion.

A group called Dakotans for Health submitted the proposed language in summer 2022, and is now collecting signatures in hopes of getting a spot on the November ballot. But, unlike ballot measures taken in other states that have attempted to establish a constitutional ‘right’ to abortion, this organization does not have the support of some of the top names in abortion, including the ACLU and Planned Parenthood — meaning it does not seek unrestricted access to abortion for all nine months.

The proposed amendment would make first-trimester abortion a constitutional ‘right’, while second-trimester abortion would only be permitted “in a manner reasonably related to the physical health of the pregnant woman.” Third-trimester abortions will only be permitted if the mother’s health is at risk (although an induced abortion is never medically necessary, and a third-trimester child can be delivered quickly and given a chance to live if the life of the his mother is in danger). It is these restrictions that have many abortion supporters rejecting the proposal.

“We don’t tell people to donate, or to volunteer,” said Samantha Chapman, advocacy manager for the American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota. “We’re staying out of it. We’re not telling people to vote no or yes.”

“As the only abortion provider in South Dakota for more than 30 years, Planned Parenthood is acutely aware of the impact policy language can have on patients’ lives,” said Tim Stanley, vice president of public affairs of Planned Parenthood North Central States. “We stand with our partners at the ACLU of South Dakota and do not support the amendment as drafted because we do not believe it will adequately restore abortion rights in South Dakota.”

According to South Dakota Searchlight, the proposed ballot measure has caused much disagreement among the state’s pro-abortion organizations. The state’s pro-life community hopes this disunity will result in its defeat.

“The pro-life coalition is solid, and very much together here,” said Dale Bartscher, the executive director of South Dakota Right to Life. Bartscher noted that groups in opposition include Right to Life, Family Voice, South Dakota Catholic Conference, Concerned Women for America and others. “A real united front,” he said.

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