What does my case manager do? — Colorado Surrogacy

Wow, what a day of details and promises.
A surrogacy journey officially begins when a match is made, from there we begin with some basic steps. Keep in mind that there are too many variables and personalities involved to make these steps more than basic for many people.
First, case managers connect with the intended parent’s clinic and send the necessary information to begin the medical evaluation process. After that, a medical screening can be scheduled at the IVF clinic or Reproductive Endocrinologist. Once the clinic has medically approved the gestational carrier’s legal agreement must be completed, then the clinic will set a transfer calendar (yay!). Next, the gestational carrier begins her monitoring and medications for the transfer. After the transfer, the clinic monitors the gestational carrier for approximately 8-12 weeks after the time they are discharged to their OB or midwife’s care for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Usually, between 12-16 weeks the process of establishing parentage begins with the Pre-Birth Order papers. The intended parent’s legal team will file the appropriate documents with the courts to establish their parental rights and have their name(s) listed on the birth certificate from scratch. Case managers then help all parties prepare for the birth by connecting with the delivery hospital and discussing their birth plan preferences. Case managers are present until at least six months after the birth to make sure all fees are paid, and escrow is closed.
Every day and every case is different; that’s why the agency is important, as a third party buffer. We are ready to help you get started on this amazing process.
Click here to schedule an Intended Parent Consult or here to apply to be a surrogate.