Orgasmic Birth Story – The Birth Hour

In today’s episode, Shalome Doran shares the stories of her three births. The first was a very medical hospital birth, and the second was home births, one of which was actually an orgasmic birth!
Shalome wants to live in a world where women approach their births with excitement and awe. A very medical hospital birth and 2 amazing home births taught her that a little preparation can make ALL the difference, and that you can feel like a total Rockstar when you give birth, no matter what your birth. Shalome encourages expectant mothers to replace their fears of pain with the insights and self-belief that roar into their babies – by creating their own informed, empowered and amazing birth experiences.
When she’s not gushing about empowering birth stories, you can find Shalome editing her digital-baby, Rockstar Birth Magazine. Connect with Shalome and her amazing message, and get your FREE issue at
What is Orgasmic Birth?
Orgasmic birth is a concept that many may scoff at or say “no, not me” but once you do a little research and learn more about it, it makes a bit of sense. All the same parts of a woman’s body that are involved in orgasm are involved in childbirth, right down to uterine contractions. Listening to Shalome tell the story of an actual orgasmic birth that happened for her, you’ll know that it’s not the kind of orgasm you get when you’re in love. It’s more about opening your mind and body to the possibility of experiencing waves of pleasure during labor than just pain.
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Aeroflow Breastpumps
Today’s episode is sponsored by Aeroflow Breastpumps. Aeroflow has helped millions of new and expectant parents discover important breastfeeding and postpartum items covered by their insurance including breast pumps, maternity compression, and lactation education & support.
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All you have to do is go to Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to to let them know we sent you! bonus – use the promo code “BIRTHOUR15” on their online store for 15% off all supplies and accessories.